Complete guide: How to store your Gell Ball ?

Guide complet : Comment stocker ses Orbeez ? - GelwaterGun

Gell Ball (aka water beads) can be stored in either their dehydrated or hydrated form, and the storage process differs depending on which form they are stored in.

Storing hydrated Gell Ball is a good idea if you plan to use them in the near future, as you won't need to wait about 5 hours before using.

On the other hand, storing dehydrated Gell Ball is a good idea if you don't intend to use them immediately and want them to last as long as possible.


How to store used (hydrated) Gell Ball ?

We recommend storing your hydrated orbeez in an airtight container . This will keep contaminants away from the orbeez and increase their lifespan. Gell Ball must be stored with enough water to cover the beads, otherwise they will very slowly shrink through osmosis (the same mechanism that allows water beads to grow in the first place). Keep the container out of direct sunlight to prevent the water beads from being damaged by UV rays .

Be aware that hydrated Orbeez are an ideal environment for fungus and bacteria to grow, so if you see black spots or if they start to look cloudy, you should discard them. It is more likely that microbes will start growing in the container if you did not use distilled water to hydrate them or if you have used/played with the Gell Ball before storing them.

Orbeez hydraté

How to store dehydrated Gell Ball ?

This process is much simpler. If your Gell Ball have not been used, they can remain in their bag. Be sure to leave the bag in a dry place , away from sunlight, and they will last for many years.

If you have taken them out of their packaging and have not used them, put them in an airtight container before placing them protected from the sun and in a dry place.

If your orbeez have been hydrated and then retracted into their dehydrated state, the storage process is much the same as for beads that have never been used. You just need to make sure you've shrunk them completely, as any water left in the orbeez will increase the risk of microbial contamination.

Orbeez 7-8 mm
See our 7-8mm Gell Ball , ideal for fun or for your Gell Ball pistols.

How to dehydrate your Gell Ball ?

The process is very simple. Take your Gell Ball and place them on a flat surface , such as a baking sheet (a sheet with high sides is best to prevent the Gell Ball from rolling). Make sure your Orbeez are only one layer deep, which will speed up the process.

Note: you can use a dehumidifier to speed up the process. Place it near the water beads and let it work.


It is best to keep your Orbeez tray out of direct sunlight as we have found that the sun, or more specifically the sun's UV rays, degrade the Gell Ball and cause them to break.

After a few days, they will have shrunk to their original size. Be aware that some poor quality water beads may not survive this process and will crack or crumble.



How to rehydrate your Gell Ball ?

Rehydration is done in exactly the same way as the first time you made them. There is no difference. Just be sure to use distilled water for best results (tap water is fine too, but it's usually not as clean).


Frequently asked Questions :

How many times can Gell Ball be reused?

Some websites say you can keep rehydrating and dehydrating them endlessly, but, in reality, that's not possible. You will probably be able to do this 2 or 3 times before they become too damaged or contaminated with bacteria or fungus.


Can I add a little salt or alcohol to make them last longer?

There is no definitive answer to this question yet. Some people recommend it, and it would work to some extent because salt and alcohol are both antimicrobial. But salt and alcohol shrink the orbeez slightly, so this should be taken into account. It might be worth a try if you plan to use them as decorations.


Should I reuse Gell Ball that have been used outdoors or with plants?

It's probably best to throw them away, as they've almost certainly become contaminated with germs.


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